
We are a Presbyterian church, made up of people from a variety of church backgrounds, or none at all. We get together Sunday mornings at 10:30. (For Summer hours and location check Facebook)

Our worship service follows a printed liturgy, which is handed out at the door. Worship has a liturgical/contemplative feel while being informal. It is rich with music. We sing hymns and responses, the choir may also sing, and we often have musical guests.

Two or three times during the service, there are brief silences. These are times for reflection, meditation or simple calm. Silence is a rare thing in this world. Communal silence adds surprise and depth to our worship experience, and allows God to get a word in.

Rev Marijke Strong is serving as part time minister. We have a shared leadership model and various members of the congregation serve as anchor and preach. We also invite ministers and others from outside the congregation to preach. 

On the first Sunday of most months we share the meal that Jesus shared with his friends. Ours is an open communion. Anyone who wishes is invited to participate, especially children. We have a number of sung liturgies for communion, written by our Music Director, Bart Nameth. They are unique, and beautiful. When the moment arrives, we file to the front, where one by one each person breaks a piece of bread from a loaf and dips it in wine (or grape juice). After the service, the meal continues. The two barn doors at the front of the sanctuary slide open to our kitchen parlour, and we enjoy a buffet, pot-luck lunch. Even if that Sunday you got up late and forgot to bring your share, there is always mysteriously more than enough food for all.